Nerd Pond 0.x – The “Pre-Nerd Pond” stages
0.1 – 0.3 – Water tests only, siphons built.
0.5 – Media grow bed with siphon, but no fish, system tested for reliability and consistency
0.6 – Media grow bed with timer based system, still no fish, water allowed to circulate and de-chlorinate.
0.7 – Fish added to the system, finally! Plants added as well, maybe before or after, I can’t quite recall.
0.8 – Fish given away (went to a good home in an accidental aquaponic set up, more on that later), system packed and moved south for the winter, set back up without fish to demo concept to the roomies.
Nerd Pond 1.0 – The Pond Gets Named! I’m given a grey 35-gallon tub because the clear containers of the first set up looks “tacky,” I buy four small Koi, the clear grow bed goes away a week later and at some point my roommate refers to my aquaponics set up as my “Nerd Pond.” The name stuck and the journey began.